PTBR: Coringa na Cozinha é um programa semanal em parceria com a Twitch. Toda semana novos convidados e um Chefe tema, que trará uma receita complicada para Victor e seus amigos. Além disso, o programa é recheado de brincadeiras, prendas e muita resenha entre chefe, convidados e o Chat.

ENG: Coringa na Cozinha is a weekly show in partnership with Twitch. Every week, there are new guests and a themed Chef, who will bring a complicated recipe for Victor and his friends. Additionally, the show is filled with jokes, challenges, and lots of banter between the chef, guests, and the chat.

Creative Direction:
Fill Oliveira
Art Direction: Uelinton Campagnola
Video Script: Igor Miralha, Guilherme Cerdera
Illustration: Uelinton Campagnola
Design: Lucas Magalhães, Uelinton Campagnola
Motion Design: Ismael Klipp
Project Management: Marcelo Dias
Photography: Fernanda Soares, Thiago Souto
Scenography: Anderson Almeida
Making Off: Bruno Maia
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