Forged with blood and sweat. United by faith, resilience, and courage.
Competing is not a goal—winning is. We are the impossible.
this is g3x.
Competing is not a goal—winning is. We are the impossible.
this is g3x.
PTBR: O G3X, um dos times de Esports mais antigos do país, abriu espaço para o esporte convencional e expandiu seus horizontes para o FUTEBOL DE 7 ao ser convidada a participar da KINGS WORLDCUP. Com o convite, surgiu a responsabilidade de criar um time que representasse o Brasil em sua essência, desde o ícone, mensagem, texto, identidade visual até o anúncio. Uma responsabilidade gigante que, além de um desafio, também se tornou uma oportunidade de introspecção, levando-nos a questionar: "O que é ser brasileiro?"
ENG: G3X, one of the oldest Esports teams in the country, ventured into conventional sports and expanded its horizons to 7-A-SIDE FOOTBALL after being invited to participate in the KINGS WORLDCUP. With this invitation came the responsibility of creating a team that would represent Brazil in its essence, from the icon, message, text, and visual identity to the announcement. A huge responsibility that, beyond being a challenge, also became an opportunity for introspection, leading us to ask ourselves: "What does it mean to be Brazilian?"
ENG: G3X, one of the oldest Esports teams in the country, ventured into conventional sports and expanded its horizons to 7-A-SIDE FOOTBALL after being invited to participate in the KINGS WORLDCUP. With this invitation came the responsibility of creating a team that would represent Brazil in its essence, from the icon, message, text, and visual identity to the announcement. A huge responsibility that, beyond being a challenge, also became an opportunity for introspection, leading us to ask ourselves: "What does it mean to be Brazilian?"
Head of Business and Content: Lucas Brexe
Art Director: Rael Costa
Graphic Design: Rael Costa, Robertson Elcles
Editor & Screenwriter: Igor Miralha
Marketing & Project: Arthur Fráguas Vieira
Social Media: Jonathan Cozer
Illustration: Mateus Silva
Photographer: Zandor Urso
Thumbmaker: Thiago Marafigo
Filming and Editing: DOOB films
Art Director: Rael Costa
Graphic Design: Rael Costa, Robertson Elcles
Editor & Screenwriter: Igor Miralha
Marketing & Project: Arthur Fráguas Vieira
Social Media: Jonathan Cozer
Illustration: Mateus Silva
Photographer: Zandor Urso
Thumbmaker: Thiago Marafigo
Filming and Editing: DOOB films

ptbr: O brasileiro é formado por uma diversidade de culturas, formas, crenças e superstições. No entanto, mesmo com tantas diferenças, somos unidos pela mesma paixão e torcida quando nossas cores e nossa bandeira estão em jogo. O G3XFC segue esse espírito, carregando essa mesma paixão desde sua identidade visual até cada membro escolhido para representar essa comunidade.
Alinhando-se com as expectativas de Gaules, utilizamos as pinturas de rua como base essencial da nossa identidade, representando o Brasil em sua forma mais autêntica.
ENg: The Brazilian people are made up of diverse cultures, forms, beliefs, and superstitions. Yet, despite all these differences, we are united by the same passion and support whenever our colors and flag are at stake. G3XFC embodies this spirit, carrying that same passion from its visual identity to every member chosen to represent this community.
In line with Gaules’ expectations, we use street art as a fundamental part of our identity, representing Brazil in its purest form.

ptbr: A escolha por ilustrações em nossa identidade visual combina elementos das pinturas de rua e do grafite, conectando diretamente com a comunidade criada por Gaules, por meio de diversas referências que surgiram entre o nosso time e o público. Dessa forma, encontramos um equilíbrio que contempla nossa comunidade e nossa história, sem perder a essência do povo brasileiro em nossa marca.
eng: Our choice of illustrations for our visual identity blends elements of street art and graffiti, directly connecting with the community created by Gaules through various references that emerged between our team and the audience. This way, we found a balance that honors our community and our history, while preserving the essence of the Brazilian people in our brand.
eng: Our choice of illustrations for our visual identity blends elements of street art and graffiti, directly connecting with the community created by Gaules through various references that emerged between our team and the audience. This way, we found a balance that honors our community and our history, while preserving the essence of the Brazilian people in our brand.

ptbr: Com o retorno do G3X, agora com "FC" adicionado ao nome, buscamos criar um anúncio que cativasse o público, mantendo as raízes da nossa história. Para isso, o roteiro apresenta uma Kombi empoeirada na garagem, simbolizando o time que esteve inativo. Inspirados no filme "Little Miss Sunshine", incluímos nossos influenciadores e colaboradores entrando um a um, representando a chegada desses novos membros ao longo do tempo e a partida para um novo desafio.
ENG: With the return of G3X, now with "FC" added to the name, we aimed to create an announcement that would captivate the audience while preserving the roots of our story. To achieve this, the script features a dusty Kombi in the garage, symbolizing the team that had been inactive. Inspired by the movie "Little Miss Sunshine," we included our influencers and collaborators entering one by one, representing the arrival of these new members over time and the start of a new challenge.
ENG: With the return of G3X, now with "FC" added to the name, we aimed to create an announcement that would captivate the audience while preserving the roots of our story. To achieve this, the script features a dusty Kombi in the garage, symbolizing the team that had been inactive. Inspired by the movie "Little Miss Sunshine," we included our influencers and collaborators entering one by one, representing the arrival of these new members over time and the start of a new challenge.

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